"Godly Advice for the New Year"
Psalm 1
"Why Does God Allow Suffering"
"New Year's Q&A"
Psalm 119:9-16
"Wise Witnesses"
Matthew 2:1-12
"Two Unlikely Witnesses"
Luke 2:22-38
"Blue Collar Witness"
Luke 2:8-20
"Content Thanksgiving"
1 Timothy 6:6-10
"Final Words for Godly Leaders"
Acts 20:26-38
"Fearless Finish"
Acts 20:17-25
"Window of Opportunity"
Acts 20:1-16
"The King's Election"
Romans 13:1-7
Temples and Tantrums
Acts 19:21-41
"Miracles and Demons"
Acts 19:11-20
We apologize for the buzzing starting about one minute into the sermon as we had an electrical issue with the recording. It only lasted about 60 seconds, and we made it as quiet as possible in the recording.